Friday 13 September 2024

Jacinto Antonio Amorim & Placidina Maria Nazareth

Jacinto Antonio Amorim & Placidina Maria Nazareth were my paternal great-grand-parents. They had 9 children who reached adult life. We don't know about still-born children or those who died in infancy. 

Fernando Antonio Amorim, Antonia Amorim, 4, Albina Rosa de Jesus holding João Amorim, 2 & Firmino Amorim aka Danga in Ourinhos, circa 1925.  

1. João Amorim, first child. Almost nothing is known about him. Apparently he died venereal disease. He never migrated. Stayed in the State of Rio. 

2. Maria Nazareth - she married an older man. Their son Pedro used to write letter from São Sebastião do Rio Bonito-RJ.  

3. Adelina Nazareth - she married an older man called Arlindo. She was quite lazy always staying in bed the whole morning. She was known for eating a lot of beans & angú (corn meal puree). 

4. Firmino Amorim aka Danga - was close to his younger brother Fernando when they lived in Ourinhos-SP; He never migrated to Marília-SP having died in Ourinhos of unknown causes.

5. Joaquim Amorim - died in infancy due to an accident having been burned with boiling water; he was only 2 years old. 

6. Aspasia Nazareth - she has been described as 'pure & chaste'; Aspásia died electrocuted by a live wire during a storm, next to the place where her sister Emília lived with her daughter Chica in Ourinhos-SP.

7. Emília Maria Nazareth aka Aunt Nenê - was born in 1889, in São Sebastião do Rio Bonito-RJ; died of toxemia on 23rd December 1955, at her brother Fernando's house, on Rua Mato Grosso, Marília-SP. 

8. Fernando Antonio Amorim - born on 18 May 1895; died on 3rd February 1969, in Marília-SP.

9. Virgílio Amorim - born on 7 June 1900; died on 4 September 1986, at age 86.  

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