José Martins (19), José de Oliveira (21) & Mario Amorim (20) in 1945.
As we have seen in earlier posts:
Jacinto Antonio Amorim & Placidina Maria Nazareth had at least 9 children:
1. João Amorim
2. Maria Nazareth
3. Adelina Nazareth
4. Firmino Amorim aka Danga
5. Joaquim Amorim (died when only 2 years old)
6. Aspasia Nazareth (accidentally electrocuted)
7. Emília Maria Nazareth aka Tia Nenê (1889)
8. Fernando Antonio Amorim (1895)
9. Virgílio Amorim
Emília Maria Nazareth had two daughters from different men
1. Catarina Nazareth
2. Virgilina Nazareth aka Chica
Catarina Nazareth, not yet 17, married Domingos Martins (22) on 12 January 1925, in Ourinhos. Martins was born in Ribeirão Preto-SP, in 1903; his father Christovam Martins and mother Rosalia Lopes hailed from Málaga, Spain. Catarina & Domingos had 5 children:
1. José Martins (23rd July 1926)
2. Nair Martins
3. Francisca Martins
4. Nadir Martins (19 July 1937 + 29 July 2009)
5. João Martins (1939) adopted by Virgilio Amorim and renamed João Amorim.
After Catarina Nazareth's untimely death at the age of 33, in 1941, Domingos who was 38 years old simply went away and abandoned all his children to the care of his mother-in-law Emília Maria Nazareth and her brothers Fernando and Virgílio. Domingos ended up marrying a Maria da Glória Gonzaga from Tarumã-SP and they had 4 daughters: Natália, Aparecida, Aldevina e Rita.
Zé was raised by his grandmother Emília (Tia Nenê). After Catarina gave birth to Nair, in 1929, Zé was weaned and given to Emília, who lived with Chica, her youngest daughter. In 1932, Chica married a Black ex-soldier called Gilberto, they used to call 'Geriberto'. As Fernando Amorim moved to Marília with his family, Chica, her new husband Gilberto, her mother Emília and grandson Zé Martins went to work at a coffee plantation in Ribeirão Claro-PR, just across Paranapanema River.
Ribeirão Claro-PR just across the wide Paranapanema River, where Zé Martins, his grandmother Emília, aunt Chica & her husband Gilberto went to work as labourers in 1932.
José Martins in 1950, in Marília.
When Zé Martins was 22 years old, he met and married Maria das Dores Vidal aka Dorinha.
José Martins weds Maria das Dores Vital, born in Marília, on 19 April 1932; Her father was Miguel Vital and Maria Rosa Pereira, known as dona Rosa, her mother. Miguel & Rosa had:
1. Geny Vital, who died from a weak heart in her early 30s.
2. Nércio, born on 17 August 1930; died on 30 April 1961;
3. Ernestina, went away and returned only 20 years later;
4. Maria da Dores aka Dorinha born on 19 April 1932; jumped off a train on 28 January 1975;
5. Luzia Pereira, was born in 1948 or 1949; Luzia's father was not Miguel, hence her different surname. Luzia was nursed by dona Rosa who also nursed her granddaughter Maria Lúcia Martins.
Zé Martins weds Dorinha; the bride's baby sister Luzia Pereira is he flower girl.
Maria Lucia dressed up as an Angel, in June 1951, when she was 16 months old.
This scrap of paper with names of the Pereira, Vital and other families related to Maria das Doris Vital, Maria Lucia Martins's mother - was found among the things left by my aunt Rosa Darin, after she died in 1995. As Rosa lived opposite the house where some of Dorinha's relatives lived on Rua 9 de Julho, next to Rua Bom Fim, in Marília, I guess someone belonging to one of those families made a point of writing down their names as a matter of discerning who was who.
In a conversation I had with Maria Lucia Martins on 26 December 2024, she went through this list and pointed out who she still remembers:
1. Belarmino Pereira was one of Maria Rosa Pereira's brothers. He worked as a grave digger at Marilia's Cemitério da Saudade.
2. Brasilina Pereira was dona Rosa's sister. She was relatively well-off.
3. Maria Antônia de Jesus Pereira is possibly dona Rosa's mother.
4. Nelson Vital
5. Miguel Vital married Maria Rosa Pereira and had a few children;
6. Aparecida de Freitas;
7. Maria Vieira dos Santos;
8. Zeferina Soares da Cruz;
9. Marta Marques.
left, Dorinha in the 1960s; right: Dorinha on 30 April 1973, two years before her untimely death.
Maria Lucia & Dorinha, her mother Maria das Dores Vital, in Marília-SP, in 1971.
Maria Lucia in the 1960s; Celso, her boy-friend circa 1962. Edna Tsutsui on 4 February 1964; Marinalva around the same time.
Maria Aparecida Martins, Lucia's half-aunt from Tarumã-SP, on 20 July 1983.
Talking about Cida Martins, we should now talk about this branch of the Martins Family who lived in Tarumã-SP, a town near Assis and Cândido Mota, not far from Paranapanema River which is the boarder between São Paulo and Paraná.
Domingos Martins ended up marrying Maria da Glória Gonzaga in Tarumã-SP and they had 4 daughters:
1. Maria Natália Martins, born in 1942, (had daughters Adriana & Ida);
2. Maria Aparecida Martins, born on 6 September1948;
3. Aldevina Martins
4. Maria Rita Martins.
In 1951, Domingos Martins who was 48 then, actually exactly 10 years after he had left his 5 children with Catarina Nazareth, fatherless in Avaré, up and went AWOL again. Now, he abandoned wife Glória and 4 daughters who ended up being raised by their tireless mother.
Tarumã at the centre of the map not far from Paranapanema River on the south, Marília on northeast, Ourinhos slightly northeast and Londrina-PR crossing the boarder into Paraná State.
Maria Lucia at our house in Rio Pequeno, in 1977.
Luiz Carlos & Maria Lucia in 1977.
João Amorim, Osvaldo, Yolanda Darin, Clelia Hiroko Myiadara, Maria Lúcia, Rute, Sandra & Fernando in 1978.