Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Yolanda Darin Amorim

Yolanda at the back of our flat on Rua Simpatia, 103, Vila Madalena, circa 1968.
Yolanda holds myself, Luiz Carlos on her lap with Fernando Antonio standing next to the armchair, circa 1950
Yolanda in the 1930s. 
Yolanda at home, Rua Vicente Prado, 4, Bela Vista in 1974. 
Rosa Darin (64), Sandra Helena (22) & Yolanda Darin (60) circa 1979 at Rio Pequeno.
Albina Rosa de Jesus on her 83rd birthday party on 2nd August 1980, her daughter Dulce Roza reads from the Bible while Yolanda Darin listens. 
Yolanda in the late 1990s. 
Yolanda Darin holds her grandson Lucas in 2002

Luiz Amorim & Eunice Jamiswki

Luiz Amorim, the 2nd from the right, back row, was an Elderly at Christian Congregation in Brazil - here seen at the front of the church on Rua Anchieta, in Marília circa 1959.
Luiz Amorim as a Civil Guard (Guarda Civil) circa 1957.
Claudinho Amorim, Rute Darin Amorim, Eunice Jamiswski with Fernando A., Luiz Antonio A. and Rosana A.
Lu, a neighbour, Gilberto, Rachel, Rogerio, Luiz Carlos, Fernandinho, Eunice & Rosana circa 1977.
Rogerio, Gilberto & Fernando in the same day in 1977.
Rachel, Eunice, Rosana, Fernando, Luiz Antonio & Rogerio.
at same b'day party, different crowd.